Social Studies

John AdamsBorn October 30, 1735 in Braintree, MassachusettsFirst Vice President of the United States  (1789-1797)Second President of the United States (1797-1801)John Adams, Second President of the United States, painting by Gilbert Stuart, Oil on canvas. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. Public Domain.

When Braintree native John Adams, who would serve as the nation's first Vice President (1789-1797) and second President of the United States (1797-1801), drafted the Massachusetts Constitution in 1780, he placed public education at the center of the state's understanding of government: "Wisdom and knowledge, as well as virtue, diffused generally among the body of the people [are] necessary for the preservation of their rights and liberties. . . . [Thus,] it shall be the duty of legislatures and magistrates, in all future periods of this commonwealth, to cherish the . . . public schools.” (Chapter V, Section II).

Thomas Jefferson once said, "The nation that expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization expects what never has been and never will be." 

Both Adams and Jefferson believed that learning and democracy went hand in hand. An effective democracy demands educated citizens who can make informed and wise decisions. 

Whether it is voting on a local issue or understanding the workings of government to protect the peoples' interests, Social Studies education is essential for us all. Social Studies courses in the Braintree Public Schools offers a diverse range of content and skills including, but not limited to: 

Contact Us

Dr. Gorman Lee

Director of Social Studies

Dawn Culbertson

Administrative Assistant

781-848-4000 x1016

Elementary Social Studies

In Kindergarten through grade four, students are expected to (1) participate in class activities and discussions, (2) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of grade level content topic standards, and (3) master application of History and Social Science Practice Standards as outlined in the 2018 Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework.


Civic responsibility begins at home and in the classroom
Good Character is Key to Citizenship

Grade 1

Communities and Neighborhoods

Grade 2

World Geography and Cultures
Environment and Natural Resources

Grade 3

Massachusetts History, Geography, and Government
Braintree, Our Town

Grade 4

North American Geography: Regions of the United States
Indigenous Peoples and Their Homeland
Early Explorers of North America

Middle School Social Studies

All students are expected to lead and participate in a non-partisan Civics Action Project in Grade 8.

Grade 5

Early United States History
From Colonial and Revolutionary America to Civil War, Reconstruction,
The Modern Civil Rights Movement

Grade 6

Ancient and Classical Civilizations

Grade 7

World Geography, Cultures, and History

Grade 8

Massachusetts and United States Government and Civic Life
Civics Action Project

All grade 8 students will participate in the State-Level Grade 8 Civics Performance Task Assessment and the End-of-Course Civics Assessment.
Field testing in Spring 2024
Operational testing in Spring 2025

Grade 9

United States History from 1800 to 1920

Grade 10

World History: The Modern Era


Advanced Placement

Grade 11

United States History from 1920 to the Present


Advanced Placement

Grade 12


Advanced Placement