Health & Wellness
K-4 Physical Education
The Elementary Physical Education Program is aligned with The Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks and National Standards, which de-emphasizes competition, and re-emphasizes skill attainment and self-accomplishment, with every student involved at all times: physically, mentally, and socially. Students will learn the language of movement, so that they may apply basic strategies and skills to a variety of sports and wellness activities.
Middle School
Physical Education
One of the beliefs of the Braintree Public Schools is that all students should have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to achieve a physically active lifestyle. At the middle school level, this is a great opportunity to instill these beliefs in our students.
One of our goals is for the students to become competent movers in a variety of team, dual, and individual sports. Lifetime fitness activities including yoga, weight training, golf, and running are also included to give students insight on activities they can use as they outgrow team sports after high school. Learning about the importance of a healthy diet and the benefits of living a physically active lifestyle are other goals of the program.
It is hoped that as a result of the middle school physical education experience, students will develop a positive attitude toward a lifetime of being physically active and understand and appreciate the importance of good sportsmanship.
Physical education is required for all three years of middle school.
6th Grade Health
The 6th-grade health education course meets three times per cycle for half the year. This course is aligned with the National Health Standards and the Massachusetts Health Curriculum Framework and is taught using a skills-based approach.
When skills are combined with functional health information, students have both the knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge, to make healthy choices in all areas of their lives (physical, mental/emotional, and social).
Throughout this course, the following skills, which are based on the National Health Education Standards, will be discussed:
Accessing valid information
Analyzing Influences
Decision making
Goal setting
Interpersonal communication
Self-Management and advocacy
The health content areas include:
Body systems
Personal health
Positive peer relationships
Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
Parents/guardians who do not wish to have their student enrolled in health education must notify the Principal’s office in writing during the programming cycle.
7th Grade Health
The 7th grade health education course meets three times per cycle for half the year. The curriculum is aligned with the National Health Education Standards and the Massachusetts Health Curriculum Framework and is taught using a skills-based approach.
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices, responsible decisions, maintain positive attitudes and healthy bodies.
The health content areas include:
Alcohol and other drugs
Conflict resolution
Disease prevention
Mental and emotional wellness
Nutrition and fitness
Personal health
Personal safety
Violence prevention
Parents/guardians who do not wish to have their student enrolled in health education must notify the Principal’s office in writing during the programming cycle.
High School
The Health and Wellness department aligns it's curriculum with the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework. The goal of the department is to encourage students to develop active lifestyles for overall health benefits. This will enable students to develop to their fullest potential through the acquisition of daily living skills and the behaviors necessary to make good decisions in life. Through a diversified Physical Education program students are encouraged to develop skills and positive attitudes toward lifelong participation in exercise. Physical Education is a graduation requirement for all four years.
The Health Education program offers freshmen health and electives for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
Joining the Wellness Policy Committee
The Braintree Public Schools Wellness Committee is a subcommittee of the Braintree Alliance for Safe and Healthy Youth (BASHY). BASHY meets four times per school year and the Wellness Policy Committee may have meetings in addition to the BASHY meetings. The following are invited to join BASHY and/or the Wellness Policy Committee:
All Interested Community Members
Food Service Professionals
Health Professionals
Members of the Wellness Policy Committee will collaborate to develop, implement, monitor and review the Wellness Policy.
The mission of BASHY is to provide a community wide effort to support both school and community programs and projects which promote comprehensive school health and human services including: health education, tobacco, alcohol and other drug prevention, a safe and healthy environment, nutrition and wellness.
At the meetings we discuss what is happening in Braintree Public Schools and the community in regards to these topics. We review program goals, objectives and activities, monitor program effectiveness and provide input for program development and improvement. Each year we plan a parent/guardian educational evening called, "Making a Difference. BASHY Wellness Policy Support
Contact Us
Director of Health & Wellness and Physical Education
781 848-4000 X7800
Administrative Assistant
781 848-4000 X7017