Joining the Wellness Policy Committee
Joining the Wellness Policy Committee
The Braintree Public Schools Wellness Committee is a subcommittee of the Braintree Alliance for Safe and Healthy Youth (BASHY). BASHY meets four times per school year and the Wellness Policy Committee may have meetings in addition to the BASHY meetings. The following are invited to join BASHY and/or the Wellness Policy Committee:
All Interested Community Members
Food Service Professionals
Health Professionals
Members of the Wellness Policy Committee will collaborate to develop, implement, monitor and review the Wellness Policy.
The mission of BASHY is to provide a community wide effort to support both school and community programs and projects which promote comprehensive school health and human services including: health education, tobacco, alcohol and other drug prevention, a safe and healthy environment, nutrition and wellness.
At the meetings we discuss what is happening in Braintree Public Schools and the community in regards to these topics. We review program goals, objectives and activities, monitor program effectiveness and provide input for program development and improvement. Each year we plan a parent/guardian educational evening called, "Making a Difference."